Written By Naajeh Ibrahim
The righteous scholars are the heirs of the Prophets; Imams of the people after the Prophets; they guide and direct the people to Allah ( SWT ) and teach them His Deen; and they have noble manners and praiseworthy attributes. They are the scholars of the truth; scholars of guidance and successors to the Prophets; they fear Allah ( SWT ) much and are constantly checking their actions, and pay great importance to what He orders and forbids.
The righteous scholars are the heirs of the Prophets; Imams of the people after the Prophets; they guide and direct the people to Allah ( SWT ) and teach them His Deen; and they have noble manners and praiseworthy attributes. They are the scholars of the truth; scholars of guidance and successors to the Prophets; they fear Allah ( SWT ) much and are constantly checking their actions, and pay great importance to what He orders and forbids. They follow in the footsteps of the Prophets: in their teaching and instructing, their character and actions, their words and conduct and, as a result, they suffer in the same way that the Prophets did. The righteous scholars suffer persecution and oppression, mockery and ridicule, torture and imprisonment and murder in the same way that the Prophets did. They speak and uphold the truth wherever they go in order that the religion of Allah ( SWT ) may "be superior over all other religions even though the disbelievers may detest it,"[2]Â and they pay for it dearly.
 On the authority of Anas bin Malik, the Messenger of Allah said: "Among the signs of the Hour will be the disappearance of knowledge and the appearance of ignorance." [3]
 Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalanee said, commenting on this Hadeeth: "Indeed it will not disappear except with the deaths of the Ulama."[4] In this day and age, how few are the scholars that are suffering for no other reason except that they are speaking the truth. Some of them have been assassinated and some of them have been imprisoned, whilst others still remain under house arrest.
This book, "In Pursuit of Allah's Pleasure" is the translation of a book titled: "Al- Meethaaq Al-Aml Al-Islami" (The Charter for Islamic Work) written by three scholars: Dr. Naajeh Ibrahim, Asim Abdul-Majid and Esaam-ud-Deen Darbaalah and released from behind the bars of Liman Turrah Prison, Egypt, in February 1984. The checking of this book was carried out by Dr. Sheikh Umar AbdurRahman, currently serving a life sentence in the USA, for no other reason than upholding the truth.
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Labels: Islamic Life