Written By Abdur-Razzaak Al-'Abbaad
The greatest blessing Allaah, the Most High, can bestow upon a person in this world is the blessing of eemaan. It is as the author points out in his introduction the source to all the good in this world and Hereafter However; as the texts unequivocal show and as a simple glance at the various types of people will show, eemaan is of levels.
The greatest blessing Allaah, the Most High, can bestow upon a person in this world is the blessing of eemaan. It is as the author points out in his introduction the source to all the good in this world and Hereafter However; as the texts unequivocal show and as a simple glance at the various types of people will show, eemaan is of levels. It is of degrees and forever fluctuating. This is a matter that a person can witness in himself: when he is active and obedient, he senses a strength of eemaan and when he is falling short of the mark and disobeying Allaah he feels that his eemaan is weak.
Anyhow, this discussion before you is not to establish the fact that eemaan is of parts and that it increases and decreases - the evidences that point to this fact in the Qur’aan and Sunnah are numerous - even though this matter is extremely important as there does exist amongst Muslims the belief that eemaan is something whole and solid, which is not made up of parts and that everyone holds the same eemaan. The severity of this corrupt belief can be comprehended when one realizes that the holder of this belief will not therefore seek to find out the ways that will increase his eemaan in order to implement them and nor will he averse himself with the matters that can weaken his eemaan so that he can avoid them because of his lack of belief in the increase and decrease of eemaan! This person has therefore sealed this tremendous door and bars himself from entering to succeed in obedience and shun disobedience. This is exactly what happened to the groups who held such a belief. One group held that since eemaan does not increase and decrease, actions do not affect it and hence, they concluded that sins have no bearing upon ones Eemaan whatsoever. Another group did hold that eemaan is affected by action but as they again did not recognize that it was of levels and parts, they held that a person who commits a major sin is no longer a Muslim and he will reside in the Fire forever since his eemaan completely vanishes on account of the sin as it cannot decrease! Look at how Shaytaan deceives and plots against humankind to drive them towards disobedience in belief and action; we seek Allaah’s protection from the constant bombardment of his whispers.
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Labels: Worship and Rulings